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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

11 Facts from Behind the Scenes of Accidentally Heroic

  1. Luke and Larry were originally meant to be side characters.  Sometimes characters take on a life of their own.
  2. The blog has always gotten a decent share of views from Russia, despite the author being American and the blog in English.  So uh, Привет, как дела?
  3. Methuselah was also meant to be a side character, but he was just too damn awesome not to keep around as a major character.
  4. I got the idea for Chanteuse when I was at the tail end of book 1.  The thought process was literally, "what if I crossed Betty's powers with Michael's powers?"
  5. Betty's disability was inspired by my own tonal hearing loss in my left ear.  While my own hearing loss is no where near the severity that the character has, I have a very real fear of losing all my hearing.
  6. Book 2 was originally going to be a compilation of vignettes about various characters manifesting powers for the first time.  Then I got lazy and wrote another novel...
  7. Linus originally was going to betray the group--but I couldn't justify a love story with Sabrina given what a dick move that would be.  I opted in favor of the love story.
  8. Linus and Sabrina are obviously an homage to the movie Sabrina.
  9. There are never any detailed chess references because I always lose at chess.  This is partially a result of me trying to bring glory to a single pawn in lieu of utilizing more powerful pieces.  Hint, the strategy never works, but it amuses me so.
  10. Michael was meant to be the most "blend in with the crowd" looking person.  Unfortunately, Jo draws him handsome.  I named him Michael because it was one of the most common names I could think of.
  11. I have been slacking off on writing book 3 because I'm working on another project.  This entire post is also my way of saying writing on book 3 has stalled out because I'm writing a different book series at the moment.