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Readers Wanted: Support Accidentally Heroic Without Spending Money

Love Accidentally Heroic, but your wallet is looking depressingly empty?

No worries, there are a lot of great ways to help support Accidentally Heroic.  As much as royalties help pay the bills, the truth of the matter is a loyal readership is worth it's weight in gold.

If you love what you read, spread the word.  Like us on Facebook so you can see news, sneak peaks of the character art (that's right, Jo's awesome character concept art), and other goodies.  So tweet, share, link, and follow.  Let's get some "Vote for Gable" buttons floating around the conventions.  Refer folks to the blog-your page views make me smile.

My current goal is to post a new chapter each day, up to about chapter 6.  However, I am happy to share more chapters if we reach certain goals.  I'm an emerging author--so I'm recruiting new readers.  Goals will include number of page views on the blog, number of likes on Facebook, and (yes) number of copies sold via Create Space/Amazon.

If the blog gets enough site traffic, we can also generate revenue advertising.  Currently, I approve each advertiser via Project Wonderful - if you do see some spam or inappropriate content from our sponsors, please leave me a comment and let me know.   One of the reasons I selected Project Wonderful as the advertising profile for this blog is that their ads are mainly for web comics, blogs, novels, and awesome crafts.  In short, things you (the readers) might actually be interested in.

As a thank you for taking the time to read this page, here is the outline Jo drew for her Boom Box Betty concept art.

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