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Friday, November 20, 2015

Operation Read for Free- Success [Promotion Details]

Great news - we have hit 10,000 page views.

The Kindle version of the book will be FREE from Tuesday, November 24th to Saturday, November 28th 2015. 

And if you don't own a Kindle there are free apps and such that allow you read on most devices.

10 Reasons you should snag the free copy:

1. Because it's something to read this Thanksgiving to escape from the unfurling drama at your family's dinner table.

2. Because you've read all the other books on your tablet 3 times over and after fours hours of camping out for Black Friday sales you need something new.

3. You have a compulsive need to get all the great bargains this retail season.

4. You clicked on an ad from Star Power, Something Positive, or one of the other sites we advertise on.  I know, it's disappointing that this isn't a full fledged comic, but if we can get enough support I can finally bribe artist J. Duran to provide more amazing art.  (speaking of comics, if you haven't checked it out already, she has her own comic, The Accursed Cabinet )

5. Because you take the train/bus to work and you need something to cheer you up on the ride in.

6. Because you're broke but you've enjoyed the sample chapters.

7. Because Alan Moore recently made comments supporting the self-published-book industry, thus you feel it prudent to read some new authors, lest you incur Lord Moore's wrath for your insolence.

8. Because you love free things.  A stress ball with a pharmaceutical name on it? Sure, why not? It's free!  Cupcakes someone brought to work? Sure, why not? They're free! That couch at the side of the road? No... you really shouldn't take that.  No, not even if it's free, you don't know where that couch has been.

9. You are getting restless waiting for George R.R. Martin to publish another magnificent tome, so you're willing to slum it with some other authors in the mean time.  It's okay, I am also disappointed the TV show is moving past, and diverging from, the books.

10. You have nothing to lose--and you stand to gain a new favorite series/author.

Seriously, I need to bribe Jo to make this into a comic.

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