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Monday, May 22, 2017

Book 2 Sneak Peak: Prologue

December 2012


Winter once more descended upon us, suspending the land in a blanket of virgin snow.  It was calm, the perfect excuse for a pensive man to peer out the window and let his mind drift.  I thought of her, always.  My leads for the past year and a half had been inconclusive.  I had not adjusted well to losing my power; I was a fish out of water.

I picked up a book and allowed myself to drink in the words, to become inebriated from their wisdom.  As engrossed as I was, my reverie was diverted by concerns of my own uselessness.  I was the leader of a group of super heroes, the most talented and special of humans, and I no longer possessed a power.  I was inadequate to stand in their company.  They were the next evolution of mankind…

SPIDER!”  The Caffiend shrieked in unadulterated terror.  In the blink of an eye, he darted across the room at inhuman speed.  “Ewww ewww eww, they give me the creeps!”  The Caffiend perched upon a chair.  At that moment, he resembled a three-year-old girl far more than a teenage boy.  It did not help that Jin Ae, a full-grown woman, also shied away from the offending arachnid.  Cartouche, our Bosnian cohort, made her way to defend our cowardly crew.

CRACK.  Cartouche looked up at me with guilty eyes.  There was a massive hole in the floor where she had stomped.  There were definite downsides of keeping company with a woman of unfathomable strength.  To add insult to injury, the spider scampered away on the floor, unscathed by an attack which would have killed a bear.

I sighed with ire and got up from my chair.  Casually, I strolled over to the eight-legged antagonist and dropped my book.  PLOP.  I motioned for a tissue as I retrieved my book from the floor.  Calmly, I wiped away the smashed remnants of the spider.  My sense of uselessness dissolved in an instant.  Without me, my noble companions would be trapped walking up a downward escalator.  At least I served some purpose.

How many Super Heroes does it take to kill a spider?

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